Robert William Pickton
Serial Killer Robert William Pickton – The Pig Farm Killer

A pig farmer by trade, Robert William Pickton of Port Coquitlam BC, is currently before the courts charged with the first degree murders of twenty-six women. Pickton is on trial for six of the murders, yet on the first day of his trial it was alleged that Robert Pickton confessed to an undercover cop that he was one kill short of 50. Pickton stated to the police officer that he didn’t get his goal and was only caught because he had gotten “sloppy”.
Pickton was already known to police for his wild parties thrown on his property under the guise of a registered charity called the Piggy Palace Good Times Society. The non-profit society had an official mandate to “organize, co-ordinate, manage and operate special events, functions, dances, shows and exhibitions on behalf of service organizations, sports organizations and other worthy groups.” But according to court evidence these events were little more than wild rave parties complete with Downtown East-side prostitutes, who were the favourite target of Pickton.
Pickton was nabbed as part of an investigation into illegal firearms at the property owned by Pickton. Police later obtained a second court search order as part of the larger BC Missing Women Investigation. This was a result of some personal items belonging to a missing woman being found on his property.
Police would later comb every square inch of the pig farm property and others associated with Pickton in search of evidence. Forensic analysis conducted by specialists was very slow and methodical. Evidence of his crimes was hard to nail down as it is alleged that Pickton fed his victims to his pigs. It is also been uncovered that Pickton may have combined human flesh with ground pork from his farm, and later given it out to friends and visitors to the farm.
Pickton pleaded not guilty to all charges of first-degree murder brought against him. The trial is ongoing. Robert Pickton is Canada’s worst serial killer. For the murdered women, the public and law enforcement are left in a bad situation, hoping Pickton will confess to the missing bodies but left without any bargaining leverage to offer. But how far Pickton can leverage these secrets may sour public opinion even more.
The excavation of the pig farm cost the Canadian government almost $70 million. In addition to these costs, the ongoing trial costs and government employees make Pickton an expensive killer to bring to Canadian justice. The witnesses and evidence organization for a jury trial for the total suspected victim pool of Pickton’s would have broken the bank. His trial and Supreme Court appeals have focused public attention on the criminal justice system costs for serial murder cases.
Pickton’s habitual trip to market included serial farming of female corpses and (allegedly) feeding the remains to the pigs. Like many serial killers, Pickton’s trial has made him a strangely countercultural folk hero. Varying women ending their lives as pork sausage throughout the British Columbia area elicited fear and panic. But the legal wrangling that is now usual when serial killers become incarcerated had elided many cases of the official charges against Pickton. Of the forty nine murders he was originally looked at for, Pickton ended up only with weight of eight of them sticking thus far.
Pickton was on trial for six of the murders, with evidence getting some cases kicked out. Yet on the first day of his trial it was alleged that Robert Pickton confessed to an undercover cop that he was one kill short of 50. Pickton smirked when the verdict was read, and second degree murder was reached in a few counts.
Pickton was already known to police for his wild parties thrown on his property under the guise of a registered charity called the Piggy Palace Good Times Society. Porcine promotion and catering was a tangible theme of these events. This organization provided a shield for the pig farm activities and blended a nightlife lifestyle which provided victims with the porcine husbandry that answered the need to get rid of the bodies.
Pickton’s non-profit society had an official mandate to “organize, co-ordinate, manage and operate special events, functions, dances, shows and exhibitions on behalf of service organizations, sports organizations and other worthy groups.” Canadian officials had to issue a tainted meat warning after the farm was searched and evidence discovered.
But according to court evidence these “social” events were little more than wild rave parties complete with Downtown East-side prostitutes, who were the preferred victims of Pickton. The access afforded Pickton to these types of targets was shielded by his “society” event planning. For a serial killer like Pickton, a ruse that masked his cruising for victims put him in hog heaven. And the red-light district, a favorite of many serial killers, afforded maximum protection from detection since those denizens wanted their activities shielded from police anyway.
Pressing the flesh wasn’t Pickton’s only gift. His confederates ended up being his end. Pickton was nabbed as part of an investigation into illegal firearms at the property owned by Pickton. Police later obtained a second court search order as part of the larger BC Missing Women Investigation. This was a result of some personal items belonging to a missing woman being found on his property. These legal minutiae have resulted in a series of Supreme Court appeals by Pickton after the verdict.
If the Supreme Court defeats the March 25 appeal, then will Pickton pruriently offer additional victims, corpses, testimony and evidence in exchange for a plea down from the maximum he received? Pickton currently is serving life in prison with no parole. The Supreme Court of Canada heard the appeal arguments starting Thursday, March 25, 2010. A nation will be watching. Willie Pickton has become a totem for victim’s justice after the long, expensive trial.
The Crown has noted that the Vancouver public has lost some confidence in the justice system as a result of the Pickton proceedings. Crown officials affirm that any appeal must acknowledge that the weight of evidence against Pickton in the slimmed down slate of cases for trial. For the mourning relatives of Pickton’s gruesome crimes, any stay of justice is making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
Article by Roy Whyte . Visit his Google+ page for more.
For further reading on Robert William Pickton and his serial killer crimes you should check out On the Farm: Robert William Pickton and the Tragic Story of Vancouver’s Missing Women . This book was written by Stevie Cameron. Cameron had been following the story of the many missing women from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and with the legal publication ban now removed you can learn everything you want to know about this sordid affair.
Quick biography video of Robert William Pickton
RCMP jailhouse surveillance video of Pickton after his arrest
[…] Against Prostitution Responses: 4. Perhaps female prostitution does represent the exploitation of women in some ways, though perhaps in others it does not. Obviously any example of sexual slavery is abusive and exploitive. I will not go into addressing the subtleties of addressing this specific issue here beyond saying this though, as it is beyond the scope of this piece. What I will say, however, is that it is clear to me that through decriminalization, sex workers will have greater access to health and counseling services, will be protected by the rule of law, may be able to obtain employee benefits never available to them before, as well as being able to operate in safer environments that may have more oversight, and where they are less vulnerable to deranged predators like Robert Pickton. […]
[…] This is a great opportunity for the government to ask the Canadian people what we want, although it is unlikely that the Harper administration will be predisposed to letting street walkers ply their trade. Although if he thinks outlawing prostitution is effective, perhaps he should take a quick walk around downtown Vancouver — or have a dig around Robert Pickton’s pig farm. […]
[…] hope that the johns take it easy on them. Which didn’t work out so well for those who ended up at Robert Picton’s farm (Serial Killers) or who were John Crawford’s bad dates. […]
Pardon me? what the hell does prostitution laws or health issues have to do with the grossly inept justice system. I certainly have no damn problem with these brutal killers being thrown under the jail and forgotten about. The women who suffered and ALL of their families are the victims, no matter what we may think of what they did to get by day to day. They should be remembered.
who wrote this can I get a legit name or not? or is this website not a good resource for a reasrach paper and I should get something a little more solid?
All content on this website is researched and written by WhiteBark Innovations staff.
i feel sorry for all the friends and family of the victims. i know all about serial killers i do research papers on all of them. ROBERT is nothing more than someone who thinks that by killing people hes god for controlling who dies.
[…] not have to unnecessarily endanger themselves. This was really brought into focus by the case of Robert Pickton, a serial killer who preyed on prostitutes for years with apparent impunity, possibly killing close […]
The idea that he feed the pigs his victims and in turn feed those pigs to his friends/clients is truly disturbing.
How do some people get so sick in the head and how does nobody take notice?
This man is a dirty bastard goof, he should go to a country where they hang people.
I also do a lot of research on serial killers,and to me the way pickton thinks I really don’t see himself as god but more as a master artist of his trade. To add to what he has already said himself “got to sloppy” and I agree ……..
Should have fed him to the pigs then they would crap little Willie turds
On Oneselfs “Very First” 1st time ever trying to pick up a “Prostitute” in Edmonton, Alberta in 2001 . Oneself got nabbed by an “Undercover” woman who then said after you negotiated the (PRICE) (That’s the deal breaker once you say a Price $$$ “Your Busted” if you do not set a price your not busted but it is the sex trade eh
Anyways I was in 2001 largest 79 johns ever that summer and oneself was one of the best looking fellas there too eh . (Man and guys only thought women were ugly wholly geesh are there ever some ugly lookin guys and guys with ugly glasses wooh look out out too eh. “Ones Tool Push laughed at oneself when oneself when oneself told onese ToolPush that I needed days off to go to “JohnSchool” and oneself had to pay $500.00 too talk about getting company, it is is cheaper to get an “escort” and you get laid with a great message too.
But one things for sure those pigs were well fed with plenty of vitamins to eh
‘Willie’s’ handshake has been described as’limp, wet and the grossest thing they have ever touched’ and would ‘send ‘chili’s up the spine’. These were said by many before the people knew of this freaks crimes. Do to him what he has done to others. Stop paying for him to live.